In this section find all the forms you will need to volunteer within our school.

Looking to Volunteer at Harvest City Christian Academy?
Here’s what you need to know!
All parents who wish to help out with assisting on field trips, fund-raising activities within the school, coaching, volunteering in the child’s classroom, etc. MUST have a Police Information Check completed and on file with the school, as well as a signed ‘Reporting Criminal Charges’ form on file with the school. 
To get a Police Information Check you will require a letter from the Main School Office, which will then be brought with you to the Police Station, along with two pieces of Government issued ID.  There is a $10.00 charge with Regina Police for this to be done. Once you have been cleared, we will receive a letter from the Regina Public School Board letting us know.
If you will be transporting students in your vehicle at any time, you will also require a Driver’s Authorization form to be filled out and signed, which will be kept on file in the Main School office.
You can find a ‘Request Form’ for the Police letter, the ‘Reporting Criminal Charges’ form, and the ‘Driver’s Authorization’ form below.