Looking to Volunteer at Harvest City Christian Academy?
Here’s what you need to know!
All parents who wish to help out with assisting on field trips, fund-raising activities within the school, coaching, volunteering in the child’s classroom, etc. MUST have a Police Information Check completed and on file with the school, as well as a signed ‘Reporting Criminal Charges’ form on file with the school.
To get a Police Information Check you will require a letter from the Main School Office, which will then be brought with you to the Police Station, along with two pieces of Government issued ID. There is a $10.00 charge with Regina Police for this to be done. Once you have been cleared, we will receive a letter from the Regina Public School Board letting us know.
If you will be transporting students in your vehicle at any time, you will also require a Driver’s Authorization form to be filled out and signed, which will be kept on file in the Main School office.
You can find a ‘Request Form’ for the Police letter, the ‘Reporting Criminal Charges’ form, and the ‘Driver’s Authorization’ form below.